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Information about IQ2DK (Tcp/ip)
Click the callsign to look it up on qrz.com
Location: 44.59.05N, 009.01.27E
The bearing from IW0QNL to IQ2DK is 308 degrees, the distance is 230.5 Miles

Last posit: IQ2DK>APMI06,TCPIP*,qAC,IQ2ARI-AS:
!4459.05N/00901.27EIiGate&W1-LRD50do VOGHERA CRLNet.118 - iw2lso@crlnet.it

Status: >http://crlnet.it - WX3IN1 Plus 2.0 - v1.13 - 13.2V - A.R.I. Voghera
Last heard 18 minutes 18 seconds ago

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