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Information about IR0EF (Antenna)
Click the callsign to look it up on qrz.com
Location: 43.06.52N, 012.23.32E
The bearing from IW0QNL to IR0EF is 295 degrees, the distance is 19.2 Miles

Last posit: IR0EF>APBM1S,TCPIP*,qAS,BM2222:
!4306.52N/01223.32ErPHG0000BM2222 DMR Repeater - Associazione Nazionale Radioamatori CISAR - IQ0SQ Sezione di PERUGIA - Ripetitore PERUGIA CENTRO 430.7625/435.7625 CC1

Status: >https://brandmeister.network/?page=repeater&id=222011
Last heard 18 minutes 4 seconds ago

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