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Information about OE5XKL (Antenna)
Click the callsign to look it up on qrz.com
Location: 47.31.46N, 013.41.53E
The bearing from IW0QNL to OE5XKL is 8 degrees, the distance is 316.5 Miles

Last posit: OE5XKL>AP4R10,qAS,OE5XOL-10:
=4731.46N/01341.53ErFM-voice-relay Dachstein-Krippenstein R4x 145.7125 MHz shift -600 Hz Echolink node: 534058 OE5XKL-B D-Star-voice-relay Dachstein-Krippenstein R64 438.500 Mhz shift -7.6 Mhz

Status: (none)
Last heard 39 minutes 20 seconds ago

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